Creating a full-featured cloud-based non-linear editor (NLE) in Ruby

 Creating a full-featured cloud-based non-linear editor (NLE) in Ruby is an ambitious project that involves a lot of components, including a backend server, a database, real-time collaboration features, and a frontend interface for editing. While it's not feasible to provide a complete, working application in this response, I can guide you through the various components that you would need to implement and give you an outline of how you could structure your Ruby application.

### Components to Consider:

1. **Backend**: A Ruby framework like Ruby on Rails or Sinatra to handle server requests, manage users, and interact with files.

2. **Database**: Use a database like PostgreSQL or MongoDB to store metadata about the projects and user information.

3. **File Storage**: Use cloud storage services like Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage to store video files.

4. **Frontend**: A web application using a framework like React or Vue.js for the user interface and video editing capabilities.

5. **Real-time Collaboration**: Use WebSockets or libraries like Action Cable (Rails feature) for real-time updates.

### Basic Structure

Here's an outline to help you get started:

#### 1. Set Up Your Ruby Environment

Make sure you have Ruby and Rails installed. You can create a new Rails application with:


rails new video_nle --database=postgresql

cd video_nle


#### 2. Create Models

You would need a few models:


rails g model User username:string email:string

rails g model Project name:string user:references

rails g model VideoFile title:string project:references file_url:string


Run migrations:


rails db:migrate


#### 3. Backend Logic

Here’s a basic controller setup:


class ProjectsController < ApplicationController

  before_action :set_project, only: [:show, :update, :destroy]

  def index

    @projects = Project.all

    render json: @projects


  def show

    render json: @project


  def create

    @project =


      render json: @project, status: :created


      render json: @project.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity




  def set_project

    @project = Project.find(params[:id])


  def project_params

    params.require(:project).permit(:name, :user_id)




#### 4. File Upload and Storage

You can use the `aws-sdk-s3` gem to handle file uploads to S3.

Add to your Gemfile:


gem 'aws-sdk-s3', require: false


Then set up your initializer for AWS S3 configuration:


# config/initializers/aws.rb



  region: ENV['AWS_REGION']



#### 5. Frontend Setup

For the frontend, you might want to set up a separate React app:


npx create-react-app video-nle-frontend


Inside your React app, you can create components for user authentication, project management, and video editing.

#### 6. Video Editing Features

You can utilize libraries like **FFmpeg.js** for video processing on the client-side. For advanced editing capabilities, you may also want to consider integrating with existing video editing solutions or interacting with server-side processing through background jobs.

#### 7. Real-Time Collaboration

You could implement real-time collaboration using Action Cable in Rails:


# app/channels/application_cable/channel.rb

module ApplicationCable

  class Channel < ActionCable::Channel::Base

    def subscribed

      stream_from "project_#{params[:project_id]}"





#### 8. Authentication

Implement user authentication using Devise or similar gems for user management.

### Conclusion

This outline provides a starting point for building a cloud-based non-linear editor in Ruby. Each component can be expanded with more features and complexity based on your specific requirements. Building a fully functional NLE is quite challenging and would typically involve a team of developers specializing in different areas such as backend, frontend, video processing, and UI/UX.


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