Deus Ex 5

 Creating a simple text-based game titled "Deus Ex 5: Mankind on the Moon" in Ruby involves defining characters, story components, and choices. Below is a basic implementation of such a game. This code will prompt users to make choices as they navigate through the story.


class Game

  def initialize

    @player_name = ""

    @current_location = :moon_base

    @inventory = []

    @game_over = false


  def start

    puts "Welcome to Deus Ex 5: Mankind on the Moon"

    print "Enter your name: "

    @player_name = gets.chomp

    puts "Hello, #{@player_name}. Your adventure begins now!"



  def main_game_loop

    until @game_over

      case @current_location

      when :moon_base


      when :moon_surface


      when :abandoned_mine





  def moon_base

    puts "\nYou are in a high-tech moon base. You see a control panel and a door leading to the moon's surface."

    puts "Your inventory: #{@inventory.join(', ')}"

    puts "What would you like to do?"

    puts "1. Use the control panel"

    puts "2. Go to the moon surface"

    puts "3. Check inventory"

    choice = gets.chomp.to_i

    case choice

    when 1

      puts "You used the control panel and found information about an abandoned mine on the moon!"

      @current_location = :abandoned_mine

    when 2

      puts "You step outside onto the moon's surface."

      @current_location = :moon_surface

    when 3

      puts "Your inventory: #{@inventory.join(', ')}"


      puts "Invalid choice, try again."



  def moon_surface

    puts "\nYou are now on the moon's surface. You see a mysterious object and a path leading to the abandoned mine."

    puts "Your inventory: #{@inventory.join(', ')}"

    puts "What would you like to do?"

    puts "1. Inspect the mysterious object"

    puts "2. Go to the abandoned mine"

    puts "3. Check inventory"

    choice = gets.chomp.to_i

    case choice

    when 1

      puts "You found a powerful energy crystal! It's now in your inventory."

      @inventory << "Energy Crystal"

    when 2

      puts "You approach the abandoned mine."

      @current_location = :abandoned_mine

    when 3

      puts "Your inventory: #{@inventory.join(', ')}"


      puts "Invalid choice, try again."



  def abandoned_mine

    puts "\nYou enter the abandoned mine. It's dark and eerie. Suddenly, you encounter a rogue AI!"

    puts "Your inventory: #{@inventory.join(', ')}"

    puts "What will you do?"

    puts "1. Fight the rogue AI"

    puts "2. Use the Energy Crystal to disable it"

    puts "3. Run away"

    choice = gets.chomp.to_i

    case choice

    when 1

      puts "You bravely confront the rogue AI, but it overpowers you. Game Over!"

      @game_over = true

    when 2

      if @inventory.include?("Energy Crystal")

        puts "You successfully disable the rogue AI with the Energy Crystal! You've saved the moon base."

        puts "Congratulations, #{@player_name}! You win!"

        @game_over = true


        puts "You don't have the Energy Crystal! You need to find it first."


    when 3

      puts "You run back to the moon base, escaping the rogue AI. However, you know you must return."

      @current_location = :moon_base


      puts "Invalid choice, try again."




game =



### Instructions to Run the Game:

1. Make sure you have Ruby installed on your computer. You can check if Ruby is installed by typing `ruby -v` in your command line or terminal.

2. Create a new file called `deus_ex_5.rb`.

3. Copy and paste the provided Ruby code into this file.

4. Save the file and run it in your terminal with the command `ruby deus_ex_5.rb`.

### Game Features:

- Players can navigate between locations (moon base, moon surface, and an abandoned mine).

- They can find items, like an "Energy Crystal."

- Players make choices that can lead to winning or losing outcomes.

Feel free to expand the game by adding more locations, items, and branching storylines!


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